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Peek under the mystery of the magic Prague Zodiac in the PZ guided walks through the esoteric principles of Prague. Main themes: astrology, alchemy, magic, mysticism. Kafka, Einstein,Mozart,Nobel,Golem,rabbi
Peek under the mystery of the magic Prague Zodiac in the PZ guided walks through the esoteric principles of Prague. Main themes: astrology, alchemy, magic, mysticism. Kafka, Einstein,Mozart,Nobel,Golem,rabbi

6) Virgo

6) Virgo

Direction: West-West-South

Period: August 24 – September 24

Element: Mutual Earth

Planet: Mercury

In the period of Virgo the heat of Leo fades away, everything becomes hard and dries gradually. Juices leave plants to complete the development of fruits and seed. The plant cares for its fruits as a mother for her children. In this time of year the plants transform their powers into new vital energies as alchemists.


The 6th sign is the half of the cycle. To reach the balance of the autumn equinox, the result of Virgo, it is necessary to make the first recapitulation and set the house in order. We can see that leonine egoism has led to disillusion and emotional exhaustion. To avoid them, we must get clean: to be rid of halos, pride, frustrations, complexes and all that dirt which has muddied us during our life. We must understand that love as a universal magnetism unifies all under the veil of Night. If we don’t find cleanness inside of us, we won’t grasp anything. Virgo means a purification of the individual soul that is stretching out its hands towards the Universe.


The borderline between the Prague Virgo and Leo is the southern hillside of Petrin Hill. The line between Virgo and Libra goes through the hotel Moevenpick, for instance.


As far as the sector of Virgo, in our walks we mention a “Homestead Bertramka” and W.A.Mozart, who loved to stay here at his friends when visiting Prague. Several times he mentions that hardly anywhere else did he feel so relaxed where he was able to be rid of worries with his daily life and concentrate on his work as here. No wonder he finished the opera Don Giovanni right here. In his birth horoscope the place falls to the 1st house – the house of ego: Mozart’s ego was able to be purged of its uncleanness so that he could concentrate on composing and finish the Opera of Operas. (See also Pisces.)


You can explore the place also by staying in the nearby hotel Moevenpick, whose two buildings are connected by a funicular which is stretched between Virgo and Libra like a pair of giant scales.

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