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Welcome - About Us


Prague Zodiac Walks is a deep travel project with an aim of making visitors of Prague familiar with the esoteric and mystical essence of the town by means of thematic tours, Internet and other informative contacts. This means NOT superficial Disneyland ghost stories for crowds - but the real thing… The project was established in 2000 and its central theme is the so called Prague Zodiac, a world unique "Stonehenge-like” structure within a city endowed with mysterious magic qualities.




The new article on Charles IV, the Bohemian King and Holy Roman emperor and the connection of his horoscope and his construction activities in Prague.



that Albert Einstein's Moon in his birth horoscope crosses the place in Prague where he worked in 1912 and where he came to a revelation leading him later to his postulation of the General Theory of Relativity?…

 read more in Sagittarius















or that Mozart's Uranus crossed the Estates Theatre which presented the first night of his Opera of Operas  Don Giovanni? read more in Pisces
















Mystery of Prague


Prague is a charming medieval city, also called “The Heart of Europe,” “The City of a Thousand Spires“ or “Mother of Cities”. And virtually many of those who have set their feet on its cobblestone skin have given this place attributes like magic, mysterious, mesmerizing.


And what if this is not a superficial cliché?

What if the Genius Loci really exists?What if it lives beneath what we see, as the Prague’s stone body?

What if it is the living essence of this town’s reality and the very space in which “the Matrix of the Mother Prague” manifests itself?

What if this is the Truth that we just do not perceive and realize clearly beneath all those particular things and facts?

Find out with us more.

Prague Zodiac


The central theme of our walks is the so-called Prague Zodiac – an esoteric astrological structure within the web of the town, which is a quite unique mystical structure in the European and Worldwide scale. Prague Zodiac Walks is the only, one of its kind company providing walks through such a City-Zodiac structure. These walks will guide you back through history of Prague and its esoteric background.


Prague Zodiac Walks


Prague Zodiac Walks is about authenticity. In these walks, you won’t be separate from it by a window of a van listening to a voice on a tape – the walk is guided by a human from flesh and blood, you won’t be annoyed by superfluous information but you’ll be lead under it, towards the understanding. The magic and mysterious quality of this city is not a tale or a second rate ghost book story. It is real.


Peek under the mystery of the Prague Zodiac within the Prague Zodiac Walks - the guided walks through the esoteric principles of Prague. Main themes: astrology, alchemy, magic, mysticism.From Kafka to Mozart over Einstein.
Peek under the mystery of the Prague Zodiac within the Prague Zodiac Walks - the guided walks through the esoteric principles of Prague. Main themes: astrology, alchemy, magic, mysticism.From Kafka to Mozart over Einstein.
Peek under the mystery of the Prague Zodiac within the Prague Zodiac Walks - the guided walks through the esoteric principles of Prague. Main themes: astrology, alchemy, magic, mysticism.From Kafka to Mozart over Einstein.
Peek under the mystery of the Prague Zodiac within the Prague Zodiac Walks - the guided walks through the esoteric principles of Prague. Main themes: astrology, alchemy, magic, mysticism.From Kafka to Mozart over Einstein.

Current Walks to choose from

You can experience your own chart physically within the mysterious mirror of the Prague Zodiac within this special walks - the guided walk through your chart and the esoteric principles of Prague.

1) Prague Zodiac: The Mystical Wheel

During this very instructive walk you can stroll through the whole of the fascinating and world unique Prague Zodiac and experience it straight through your skin. You’ll make thus first insight into the theme and get acquainted with its influence on the town and life in it.

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2) The Prague Zodiac Chart Walk

In this walk our Guide will take you on a tour through our own chart projected onto the groundplan of Prague. Exciting and absolutely unique walk in the entire world! Walk through your soul!

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5) The Mysterious Ground Plan of The New Town

In the zones of Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, you will visit places unjustly omitted by traditional tourist groups. Beside others you’ll have a chance to admire an ar-gothic effort of Charles IV to make a copy of The Holy Jerusalem - when building the New Town - and hide enigmatic messages into it.

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3) Speaking stone

Astronomic, astrologic and esoteric symbolism captured in stone of some Prague buildings in the band of Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. Included is a half-an-hour small boat cruise on river Vltava to see the remains of the second oldest stone bridge in the Middle Europe.

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4) The Enigma of The Prague Castle

In the sector of Gemini and Cancer you’ll meet the center of the Czech national and spiritual past and very powerful place. Despite other tourists you’ll have a chance to understand why it was chosen in the past to be what it is today - and what it actually is.

more>>            Book it>>

The walks are usually private – they are on request only. As for the length, it can be tailored to your preferences. Minimum interest: 1 person. To order a walk, just click on a walk and then click on Book it or just contact us via email.



If you are interested in the topics, you can also check out the forthcoming novel.


Prague Zodiac

- A Town That Mirors The Universe -


© 2002-2013 by Prague Zodiac Walks and Prague Insights.

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