3) Gemini
3) Gemini
Direction: North-North-West
Period: May 22 - June 21
Element: Mutual Air
Planet: Mercury
The last spring sign ends with the summer solstice – the peak of the light, the peak of individualization.
In the period of Gemini, plants begin to flower and their reproductive organs are in development. It’s a precondition of being fertilized so as that life may continue. Without flowers, fertilization wouldn’t be possible, there wouldn’t be fruits and plants would die without offspring.
In the summer solstice the personality must be already created and completed - only an individualized, integrated personality is able to deal with the infinite Night, with God, and with the universe. The completed and consciously controlled, watched ego is a reproductive organ of spirituality, through which, after breaking its shell, man can be fertilized by the Infinity. And the completion is the role of Gemini. It’s a process of human adolescence: out of the energy of Aries and the matter collected by Taurus, Gemini creates the flower - an individual mental system, an own individual poem about the world, in which everything fits. The point is symbiosis. To deal with the Infinity, the individual must be whole and without gaps – symbiotical.
The funnel of Gemini is opened between the Old Town Bridge Tower and Straka’s academy on Taurus’s side and the cathedral of St. Vitus on the side of Cancer.
One of the most famous Prague panoramas is the one at the Vltava River in the band of Gemini. All medieval architectonic styles are symbiotically grouped here one next to another, in an apparent congruity – in a poem of architecture.
The famous Charles Bridge lies entirely in Gemini, intersecting it. For almost half a millennium it was the only bridge across the Vltava. As a representative of the mutual (mobile) sign and airy element it connects the sectors of Taurus and Cancer, making their mutual communication possible.
People of note talked about in Gemini are the Jewish German-writing author Franz Kafka (who used to stay in the Golden Lane at the Prague Castle at a time during his writing process) and the outstanding 14th century’s emperor Charles IV – the great poet of the town who founded both the Charles Bridge and the cathedral of St Vitus at the Prague Castle. The birth horoscopes of both are bound tightly to Prague Gemini.